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Yuni114's interactive graph and data of "Acceleration vs. sin(theta)" is a scatter chart, showing Experimental Acceleration (m/s^2), Theoretical Acceleration (m/s^2), Experimental Acceleration (m/s^2) - fit, Theoretical Acceleration (m/s^2) - fit; with sin(theta) in the x-axis and Acceleration (m/s^2) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 0.08044505062019885 to 0.8329975722798012. The y-axis shows values from 0.2692986010292322 to 8.244912087970768. This visualization has the following annotations: f(x) = (9.78)*x + (-0.549); f(x) = (9.80)*x + (-1.11e-10)