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Plotenthusiast123's interactive graph and data of "ECG, HR Envelope, SCG, AO Envelope, Systole Profile, AC Envelope, Diastole Profile" is a line chart, showing ECG, HR Envelope, SCG, AO Envelope, Systole Profile, AC Envelope, Diastole Profile. The x-axis shows values from 0 to 2500. The y-axis shows values from -1.7222222222222223 to 13.5. This visualization has the following annotations: ECG, SCG and Heart Rate, AO and AC Envelopes; PHRE; R; Q; PHRE; R; Q; IM; AO; AC; ACM; IM; AO; IM; AO; AC; ACM; AC; ACM; PAOE; PAOE; PAOE; PACE; PACE; PACE; (a); (b); (c); (d)