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Mtrembla2's interactive graph and data of "Solubility vs. Temperature for Potassium Dichromate in water and water:dioxane solvents" is a scatter chart, showing Water, water:dioxane, Water-fit, water:dioxane - fit; with Temperature (°C) in the x-axis and Concentration (g solute/100g solvent) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 3.311909852128986 to 78.18809014787101. The y-axis shows values from 3.5720152218782255 to 61.73498477812177. This visualization has the following annotations: R2 = 0.9397f(x) = (5.65) + (4.15)*exp((0.0332)*x); R2 = 0.9845f(x) = (-1.58) + (6.85)*exp((0.0243)*x)