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Farhanrazak21's interactive graph and data of "Impedance VS Time" is a line chart, showing 100 Hz, 50 kHz, 1 MHz, 6 MHz, 10 MHz, 100 Hz - fit; with Time (Hours) in the x-axis and Impedance (Ohm) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from -7.431850789096126 to 127.43185078909613. The y-axis shows values from -690.4966527649057 to 11245.606652764905. This visualization has the following annotation: R2 = 0.9935f(x) = (1.61e+3) + (179)*x + (-4.20)*x^2 + (0.0617)*x^3 + (-0.000287)*x^4