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Devgill15's interactive graph and data of "Female Maximum Bench Press per Yearand who done it" is a scatter chart, showing Ágnes Szabó, Brenda van der Meulen, Chen-Yeh Chao, Deb Ferrel, Deborah Ferrell, Hildeborg Juvet Hugdal, Irina Lugovaya, Irina Naskripnyak, Joanne Schaefer, Li-Hua Lu, Martina Schmale, Natalya Zotova-Payusova, Sandra Lönn, Svetlana Dedyulya, Tarja Rantanen, Timea Závodszky, Ulrike Herchenhein, Uschi Henes; with Year in the x-axis and Max Bench in kg in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 1988.55 to 2020.45. The y-axis shows values from 64.375 to 243.125.