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Ambro217's interactive graph and data of "Current vs. Time Graph " is a scatter chart, showing Control, Parallel, Series, Control - fit, Parallel - fit, Series - fit; with Time (s) in the x-axis and Current (Amps) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from -2.9967159277504103 to 50.779967159277504. The y-axis shows values from -0.09244120940649497 to 1.392441209406495. This visualization has the following annotations: R2 = 0.9941f(x) = (-0.0114) + (0.286)*exp((-0.0967)*x); R2 = 0.9829f(x) = (-0.0390) + (0.715)*exp((-0.0756)*x); R2 = 0.9992f(x) = (-0.0103) + (1.31)*exp((-0.239)*x)