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Al1563's interactive graph and data of "Natural Log Plot of Cell Number Over Time" is a scatter chart, showing 500 cells/cm^2, 4000 cells/cm^2, 10000 cells/cm^2, Col3 - fit, Col5 - fit, Col7 - fit; with Time (hrs) in the x-axis and ln[Number of Cells] in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from -2.9580419580419584 to 50.95804195804196. The y-axis shows values from 8.22716036171455 to 12.288373973773753. This visualization has the following annotations: f(t) = 0.00930t + 11.5; f(t) = 0.0180t + 10.5; f(t) = 0.0382t + 8.48; line: ln[final] = ln[initial] + ln(2) / (doublingtime) * t