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Heliojr's interactive graph and data of "SNR [dB] vs OSNR [dB]" is a line chart, showing PS DP-16QAM FF=0.998, PS DP-16QAM FF=0.999, PS DP-16QAM FF=0.994, PS DP-16QAM FF=0.995, PS DP-16QAM FF=0.996, PS DP-16QAM FF=0.997; with OSNR [dB] in the x-axis and SNR [dB] in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 5.281951727730509 to 21.198048272269492. The y-axis shows values from -4.040744486099997 to 13.263275486099996. This visualization has the following annotation: