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Chrischen's interactive graph and data of "Solubility vs. Temperature for Potassium Dichromate in H2O and H2O/Dioxane Solvents" is a scatter chart, showing H2O, Dioxane/H2O, H2O Best Fit, Dioxane/H2O Best Fit; with Temperature (degreeC) in the x-axis and Solubility (g solute/g solvent) in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 0 to 75. The y-axis shows values from 0 to 60. This visualization has the following annotations: R2 = 0.9966f(x) = (-22.7) + (29.8)*exp((0.0132)*x); R2 = 0.9932f(x) = (5.82) + (1.71)*exp((0.0438)*x)